Point to ponder: It's all for Him.
Verse to remember: "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36
Question to Consider: Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?
When I used to go to church, I remember telling my Friday session-mates that God is in everything. God exists in the trees growing outside your window, in the water you drink to keep you alive, in the air that we breathe. God is the inexplainable and unseeable glue that binds everything together - People, places, plants, animals, the earth and all our galaxies.
Spirituality holds the key to understanding - or at least accepting - that science cannot explain everything.
I don't believe that spirituality and religion are the same thing — They're not. You could walk into any church and be sure that the two people beside you have a different idea of who (or what) God is. I don't believe that all Catholics share the same views on Catholicism as one another, or even as the even as the priest. Everyone believes, and maybe attends mass, for a different and specific purpose.
I feel that religion tries to place spirituality into a box - One that can sometimes be very damaging to people and their beliefs. I think that spirituality is God-like. By that, I mean that through spirituality, we're trying to reach a state higher and greater than ourselves and our 'imperfect' human nature which can sometimes cause more harm than good if not kept in check. Religion, on the other hand, is completely man-made. As such, it is already imperfect. Yes, it does teach us some really great lessons about how to love others and how to live a good and noble life, but at the same time it also reinforces certain dogmatic and outdated beliefs and turns them into scripture just because the church (or religious institution) decided to back them up. Of course, then we can expect that there will be some believers who blindly follow suit, justifying their actions as 'giving glory to God.'
Well... If God is Love, then religion seems to be doing the opposite of being loving.
God lives in all of us — If you live in truth and in love, then you have God in you.