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My circuit breaker life.

- unshakeable -

May 9, 2020

What I do to rest:

1. I meditate and either workout, dance or do yoga everyday.
2. I play with my 2 puppies, Saffy and Maia.
3. I listen to podcasts, and learn new skills online.
4. I write in my blog, and journal in my notebook.

5. I listen to guided meditations to calm my heart and mind before I go to sleep.

Areas in which I need more rest:

1. My breakup. It has been one of the hardest things to come to terms with mentally, physically and emotionally so far.

3 things I need to do to get more rest:

1. Sleep early (12 midnight), wake up early (7am).
2. Go outdoors, and take my puppies for a walk at night.
3. Make daily morning workout and meditation a routine (7-8am).

"When our world is being shaken, what is unshakeable will remain."